Tuesday, March 4, 2008

~The divine-my saviour~

Upon life’s cliff I lay forlorn
Dreading every minute that was born
Clinging on to dear life
Struggling to battle with the strife
I retired into the ivory tower
So morose and devoid of power

Amidst troubles I aimlessly swam
With anger, sorrow, defeat and sham
Stiff as a corpse I lay so still
Agony at gunpoint waiting to kill
The scourge of the storm tossed night
Left me helpless as a damaged kite
The thorns of life made me bleed
With wicked cackle that followed the lead

I wished upon the shining stars
To relieve me of my burning scars
Suddenly I saw some blinding light
Striking my eyes ever so bright
There before me, I saw an angelic form
To bring calm after the devastating storm
Exclaimed she-“Look at this ! it is your earth!
So beautiful and full of mirth!!”

Thus saying she disappeared, Leaving me alone
Like magic, her words went to the bone
The bells of enlightenment started to ring
From within, my heart of hearts began to sing
From slumber I awoke to the wake of reality
The call that beckoned me to rise above the calamity

The divine with its living light of love
With emotions stored in life’s treasure trove
Bestowing blessings that manifested
Upon the earth with creatures infested
Amongst the wonders , a few to name
No two creations are ever the same

The massive firmament that clothes the space
Or the charming smile that clad the face
The very air that fills the cosmos
Or the velvet green carpets of moss
The red-orange fire that burns with fury
Or the pleasant looking morning glory
The tears of happiness shed by the cloud
Or the chirruping of birds ringing so loud
The eternal truth that triumphs over dark
The train of thoughts that emerge as a spark

The world so ornate filled with beauty
Surprises to offer, ever so bounty
Fortunate I am ! to feature in this
List of magnificent creations, so full of bliss
Forever I shall cling on to thee
How am I to thank you for creating me ? =)


1 comment:

Srinath said...

A well expressed view of urs is always flowered :D